AIEF is under the patronage of some of Australia’s most respected civic leaders and is managed and governed by Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals with proven track-records in the private sector.
AIEF is privileged to have the support of three distinguished Patrons with outstanding track-records of leadership and community service. Our Patrons are highly respected members of the Australian community, and they represent strong and positive role models for AIEF and those that AIEF engages with.
AIEF is a non-profit public company limited by guarantee, governed by its Board of Directors, with the support of an appointed Investment Committee and advice and assistance from its Ambassadors.
AIEF is supported by a large group of distinguished Ambassadors, who have achieved success and prominence in their respective fields and act as advocates in various ways for AIEF.
Your investment will help more Indigenous students access world-class education and careers.
Our Pathways Advisor helped us understand what we needed to achieve while we were at school to do what we wanted to do after school, whether that was university or a job or a professional sporting career
Australian Indigenous Education Foundation
Suite 2A, Level 2
2-12 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
T (02) 8373 8000
F (02) 8373 8001
ABN 13 127 908 187