St Monica’s College, Cairns

A Catholic secondary day and boarding school for girls


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(07) 4042 4800


177 Abbott St, Cairns, QLD 4870


St Monica’s College, Cairns offers AIEF Scholarships for boarding students.

St Monica’s College 2023 Report
Leanne Webster, Principal

At St Monica’s College we are very proud of the First Nations students and the richness they bring to our college community.  This year our First Nations program has been led within St Monica’s College by our hard working First Nations Education Officers, Ms Georgia McGrath and Ms Kimberly See Kee.  The First Nations students board at our brother school, St Augustine’s College.  Within the boarding house this year, Mr Bryan Carswell has coordinated several events for the First Nations students to participate in.  This included the AIEF Dinner at St Augustine’s College where the students were the master of ceremonies for the evening.

This year, four AIEF students were invited to an afternoon tea at St Augustine’s College to meet with AIEF Director and Founder, Mrs Michelle Penfold, and several AIEF corporate supporters and friends, including Mr Antony Shaw, CEO of HSBC Australia.  Mr Shaw has organised, through his Chief of Staff, Ms Charis Martin-Ross, to virtually mentor our AIEF students in 2024.  Also present at the afternoon tea was Ms Jacinta Redden from Advance Cairns, who has commenced the First Nations Mentoring Program with two Year 10 students and three Year 11 students.  This will continue into 2024.

The First Nations students participated in many significant events this year, organising activities and assemblies for Sorry Day, National Close the Gap Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week, all of which were well supported by the college.

Although we did not have students graduating this year, Ms See Kee and I were delighted to attend the AIEF graduation in Sydney and support graduating students from our brother school, St Augustine’s College.  We were very excited to appoint our very first First Nations Representatives, who will be the voice of First Nations students on our School Representative Council (SRC).  One of the three representatives elected is an AIEF student.  The First Nations Representatives will be invited to the Cairns Diocese First Nations Student Leaders Ceremony in January 2024.

The year concluded by farewelling the Year 12 students and welcoming the new Year 7  students at the St Monica’s College First Nations Transition Day.  The First Nations students, including AIEF students, planned and facilitated the day and welcomed the new First Nations students with games designed for the students to make friends quickly.  We are proud of the work that the students put into this successful day.  We look forward to continuing to support AIEF students in 2024 as they work towards their future goals and aspirations.

AIEF Scholarship Program Details
Thursday Island, Badu Island, Kowanyama, Croydon (QLD), Alyangula, The Marra, Thursday Island, Prince of Wales, Yorke Island, Innisfail, Yirrkala, Yam Island

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